Fruitful Fav: The Next 10 Years of Marketing w/ Dr. J.J. Peterson | Growing A Fruitful Brand Podcast
Fruitful celebrated our 10-year anniversary by recognizing the brilliant clients and people who have helped us become, well, fruitful 🍊
To make it extra special, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. J.J. Peterson @drjjpeterson - a StoryBrand expert, Bestselling Author of Marketing Made Simple, and host of the Marketing Made Simple Podcast - for a live podcast recording (with surprisingly few errors) of Growing a Fruitful Brand.
Check out the episode at the link in our bio for insight into how to use StoryBrand to clarify your message, how to use AI in a human way, and what to expect in the next 10 years of marketing.
Check it out on YouTube or where you enjoy podcasts.
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